...do we work?
Taking a step into your world, our team of associates will travel anywhere to work with you. We can come to you or identify an appropriate venue or location for your needs. We are always open to experimenting with unusual and unpredictable workshop sites and locations. Let us know your thoughts and ideas. We have delivered in restaurants, airports, race-tracks, parks, libraries, drama schools, museums, theatres, railway stations, and even training rooms in conference hotels too! Lastly, in this new hybrid world that we now inhabit, we can of course connect with you and your teams remotely too and are open to using your virtual platform of choice, or a combination of virtual and in petrson.
The Gall Peters Projection
Maps not only represent the world, they shape the way we see it as well. The revolutionary Peters Projection map presents countries in their true proportion to one another: it has been adopted by the UN, aid agencies, schools and businesses around the world. It resonates with us too!
What challenges are you or your organisation facing?
What outcomes do you want to achieve this year? This month? Today?
Whatever is on your mind, we’d love to start a conversation with you.
Who knows what might come of it?